Loading dots icon


// loading-dots.tsx

// Note: these types can commonly go in a central file of utility types for
// all SVG icons, or can be baked into your component lib if you've made one for your
// icons
export type IconSize = 'sm' | 'base' | 'lg';

export type SvgIconProps = {
	size?: IconSize;

const iconSizeClasses = {
	sm: 'h-4',
	base: 'h-6',
	lg: 'h-6'

export const LoadingDots = ({
	size = 'base',
	title = 'Loading'
}: SvgIconProps & { title?: string }) => {
	const className = iconSizeClasses[size];
	return (
		<svg viewBox="0 0 60 30" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" className={className} role="img">
			<g className="fill-current">
					className="animate-pulse animation-delay-[0ms] animation-duration-[1.5s] opacity-0"
					className="animate-pulse animation-delay-[200ms] animation-duration-[1.5s] opacity-0"
					className="animate-pulse animation-delay-[400ms] animation-duration-[1.5s] opacity-0"

And in order to get those animation-duration and animation-delay classes, we need to do a tiny bit of tinkering with the tailwind.config.js

// tailwind.config.js

const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin');

module.exports = {
	// theme, content, etc.
	plugins: [
		plugin(({ addUtilities, matchUtilities, theme }) => {
					'animation-duration': (value) => ({
						animationDuration: value
				{ values: theme('transitionDuration') }

					'animation-delay': (value) => ({
						animationDelay: value
				{ values: theme('transitionDelay') }


This component allows you to make the fancy "loading dots" or "thinking bubbles" component. I commonly find myself reaching for an icon like this, yet it's one that's not as common in icon libraries.

I'm often been using TailwindCSS to style my apps, so I included Tailwind classes in this snippet instead of the raw CSS.

How it works

With a bit of custom SVG we can create this icon from scratch without having to whip out a design tool. Since this icon does not have complex paths or lines, we can use the SVG circle element to get our three dots, and the rest is fiddling with the viewBox, cx, cy, and r to get the circles exactly where we'd like them.

In order for screen readers to read the icon properly, we also need to add a title attribute. Since this is commonly used as a standalone loading indicator title is included in the icon props.


// All the HTML attributes permitted on `button`, as well as a `loading` flag
type ButtonProps = JSX.IntrinsicElements['button'] & { loading?: boolean };

const Button = ({ loading = false }: ButtonProps) => {
	return <button>{loading ? <LoadingDots /> : 'Save'}</button>;